Hey everyone I just wanted to let you know some things that I´ve been following up these days...
Well Im back, and this isn´t a regular post about fashion music or anything, is a little story about two of the cutest kids on earth I´ve ever heard about.
The first one is about a little cute boy called Gabriel Martinez who is actually facing a desease and needs ASAP a transplant, the problem is that it cost $877,000 in Miami and he lives in Venezuela.
So little and with so many difficulties but he´s even happier than some of us.
I sincerely ask y'all a little bit of help and not only money but for everyone who believes in God the Lord I ask you to pray for him because we all know anything can happen if we trust in God.
Also if you have the possibility to make a donation at the end of the post I´ll leave a pic so you can do it.
Here are the links to his Instagram and Facebook so you can get to know his case better.
Other little story that I bring to you is about a 6years old princess Oriana Flores who lives in Venezuela, well she has been diagnosticated with some type of cancer ( leucemia linfoide aguda lla) and she needs ASAP a transplant so she can heal.
Again I ask you to keep her in your prayers and if you have the opportunity to make a donation call
04241290283(Venezuela) they will give you the information to do it,
Here her Instagram link so you can know her case and also to see how beautiful and stunning she is.
This two little kids stories have really touched my heart, because sometimes we go through so many things in life and at some point we let them "kill" us we think things are hopeless, faithless.
I invite you to read their cases and let that joy that´s inside of them even though they have this problems, let that joy invade you too so when sometime bad happens you have the strengh enough to get through it.
For those who believe in the Lord God (if you dont believe please respect this) I leave you this:
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13"
Look at the photos for info. about the cases